Distributed Energy Resource (Renewable Generation)

Customers interested in connecting Distributed Energy Resources (DER) such as renewable generation to the distribution system are encouraged to review Milton Hydro’s generation connection requirements and process contained in Section 5 of our Conditions of Service and contact our Engineering Department at (905) 876-4611 or generation@miltonhydro.com.

Generation Connected in Milton: 11,483 MW of renewal generation connected as of October 31, 2024.

Milton Hydro is accepting connection requests from customers interested in installing a Distributed Energy Resource at their home, farm, or facility. 

What are Distributed Energy Resources? Some examples are:

  • wind turbines
  • roof-top or ground mounted solar PV panels/ arrays
  • waterpower project situated on a watercourse and waterfall
  • a generator fueled by biomass on a farm
  • battery storage system
  • combination of any of these technologies and other technologies that generate power


+ Process for Connection, Connecting Distributed Energy Resources, & Applications Forms

The process for connecting a distributed energy resource project to the distribution system is outlined in the Conditions of Service. We encourage any customers interested in connecting a distributed energy resource to review these guidelines and contact our Engineering Department to discuss your project.

Customers requesting a pre-consultation with Milton Hydro about their project can complete our DER Preliminary Consultation Information Request Form (PCIR). We recommend completing the initial preliminary consultation stage prior to submitting a Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) application and making significant project investments to determine the viability of your project. Application forms can be submitted to generation@miltonhydro.com.

Application Forms & Pre-Consultation

Pre-consultation Request From (PCIR) - Complete the PCIR tab and submit to Milton Hydro
Connection of Micro-Embedded Generator Application Form (<=10kW)
Connection Impact Assessment Application Form (>10kW up to 10MW)
Please note: All documents must be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer

Milton Hydro’s Engineering Department will review all pre-consultation and connection impact assessment applications for completeness. Approximate response times for completed applications are 15 business days for PCIR forms.

Applicants should be aware that connection impact assessments can take up to 60 days to complete where no distribution system expansion is required, and no upstream transmitter CIA is required. Applicants will be advised of any expected delays.

A completed CIA along with Connection Cost Agreement (Offer to Connect) outlining requirements for connection and any system upgrades that may be necessary, and the applicable Connection Agreement will be provided to the applicant.

+ Net Metering at Milton Hydro

Thinking about reducing your electricity costs by generating your own electricity? Then you may be interested in Milton Hydro’s Net metering program. Read on to learn more about our Net Metering program for generation of 500kW or less and the steps involved.

What is Net metering?

  • Net metering measures the consumption of electricity you use against the amount of electricity you generate resulting in a “net” total from which your bill is calculated.
  • Net Metering is ideal for those looking to reduce electricity costs.
  • Under the Net Metering Agreement, excess generation credits can be carried forward up to twelve months to offset future electricity costs.
  • Applicable generation types for net metered connections include renewable energy sources such as Solar PV, wind, and water.

How will my bill be calculated?

Milton Hydro will continue to read your meter as we do now. The bill you see will reflect the difference between the value of the electricity you return to the grid and the value of electricity you consume from the grid. If your net consumption for a billing period is zero, or results in a credit, the delivery portion of your bill will not include kilowatt-hour-based charges and the net credit will be carried forward to the next billing cycle. Settlement of Net Metered accounts will follow O.Reg. 541/05.


What is the process to connect to Milton Hydro’s Distribution System?


Technical and Metering

All generation sites shall comply with Milton Hydro’s Conditions of Service, applicable agreements, Ontario Electrical Safety Code and applicable laws, regulations, and codes.

In order to bill you on a net metering basis and comply with the requirements of Measurement Canada, meter replacement may be required. You will be responsible for costs associated with Milton Hydro upgrading the meter for your installation.


Agreements for Net Metering

  • For micro-embedded generation of 10kW or less - Micro-Embedded Connection Agreement.
  • For projects greater than 10kW up to 10MW - Small-to-Mid Sized Generator Connection Agreement.
    • Projects in this category may also require a Connection Impact Assessment and Connection Cost Recovery Agreement.

Connection Costs

You will be responsible for the costs of any modifications to Milton Hydro’s distribution system, including transformer changes needed to connect your generation facility. You will also be responsible for any remote telemetry units (RTU’s), radios, and other devices that may be necessary where Milton Hydro requires site monitoring and control of your generation project. Applicable costs related to your project are provided as part of our Connection Cost Agreement.


+ Connection Impact Assessment Fees

  Subtotal HST Total
>10kW up to 250kW (Capacity Allocated Feeder) $8,312.90 $1,080.68 $9,393.58
>10kW up to 500kW (Non-Capacity Allocated Feeder) $8,312.90 $1,080.68 $9,393.58
>250kW up to 10MW (All DER projects greater than 250kW) $22,496.72 $2,924.57 $25,421.30
These fees are to be used in Section P “CIA Application Fee Checklist” of the Connection Impact Assessment Application Form.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Applicants should ensure fees are current prior to submitting an application.

Projects greater than 250kW and/ or connecting to a non-capacity allocated feeder require a CIA by the upstream transmitter. Milton Hydro will advise applicants when upstream transmitter CIA’s are required, and will apply to the upstream transmitter for their CIA on behalf of the applicant.

Applicants shall include CIA payment with completed application including site drawings, electrical single line diagrams, protection philosophy, and other information as may be required to fully assess the project.


+ Connection Agreements

All generation connections require a Connection Agreement. As part of the connection process, customers will receive Milton Hydro’s appliable agreement with the Connection Cost Agreement.
Micro-Embedded Connection Agreement (<= 10kW)
Small-to-Mid Sized Generator Connection Agreement (>10kW up to 10MW)


+ Restricted Feeder Information

Currently there are no feeder restrictions for connecting Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Milton Hydro’s distribution territory.


+ Energy Industry Links

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website contains useful information about DER and EV connections, process, and documentation. Milton Hydro recommends you also review information available on OEB’s website.

+ Process for Connection, Connecting Distributed Energy Resources, & Applications Forms

The process for connecting a distributed energy resource project to the distribution system is outlined in the Conditions of Service. We encourage any customers interested in connecting a distributed energy resource to review these guidelines and contact our Engineering Department to discuss your project.

Customers requesting a pre-consultation with Milton Hydro about their project can complete our DER Preliminary Consultation Information Request Form (PCIR). We recommend completing the initial preliminary consultation stage prior to submitting a Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) application and making significant project investments to determine the viability of your project. Application forms can be submitted to generation@miltonhydro.com.

Application Forms & Pre-Consultation

Pre-consultation Request From (PCIR) - Complete the PCIR tab and submit to Milton Hydro
Connection of Micro-Embedded Generator Application Form (<=10kW)
Connection Impact Assessment Application Form (>10kW up to 10MW)
Please note: All documents must be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer

Milton Hydro’s Engineering Department will review all pre-consultation and connection impact assessment applications for completeness. Approximate response times for completed applications are 15 business days for PCIR forms.

Applicants should be aware that connection impact assessments can take up to 60 days to complete where no distribution system expansion is required, and no upstream transmitter CIA is required. Applicants will be advised of any expected delays.

A completed CIA along with Connection Cost Agreement (Offer to Connect) outlining requirements for connection and any system upgrades that may be necessary, and the applicable Connection Agreement will be provided to the applicant.

+ Net Metering at Milton Hydro

Thinking about reducing your electricity costs by generating your own electricity? Then you may be interested in Milton Hydro’s Net metering program. Read on to learn more about our Net Metering program for generation of 500kW or less and the steps involved.

What is Net metering?

  • Net metering measures the consumption of electricity you use against the amount of electricity you generate resulting in a “net” total from which your bill is calculated.
  • Net Metering is ideal for those looking to reduce electricity costs.
  • Under the Net Metering Agreement, excess generation credits can be carried forward up to twelve months to offset future electricity costs.
  • Applicable generation types for net metered connections include renewable energy sources such as Solar PV, wind, and water.

How will my bill be calculated?

Milton Hydro will continue to read your meter as we do now. The bill you see will reflect the difference between the value of the electricity you return to the grid and the value of electricity you consume from the grid. If your net consumption for a billing period is zero, or results in a credit, the delivery portion of your bill will not include kilowatt-hour-based charges and the net credit will be carried forward to the next billing cycle. Settlement of Net Metered accounts will follow O.Reg. 541/05.


What is the process to connect to Milton Hydro’s Distribution System?


Technical and Metering

All generation sites shall comply with Milton Hydro’s Conditions of Service, applicable agreements, Ontario Electrical Safety Code and applicable laws, regulations, and codes.

In order to bill you on a net metering basis and comply with the requirements of Measurement Canada, meter replacement may be required. You will be responsible for costs associated with Milton Hydro upgrading the meter for your installation.


Agreements for Net Metering

  • For micro-embedded generation of 10kW or less - Micro-Embedded Connection Agreement.
  • For projects greater than 10kW up to 10MW - Small-to-Mid Sized Generator Connection Agreement.
    • Projects in this category may also require a Connection Impact Assessment and Connection Cost Recovery Agreement.

Connection Costs

You will be responsible for the costs of any modifications to Milton Hydro’s distribution system, including transformer changes needed to connect your generation facility. You will also be responsible for any remote telemetry units (RTU’s), radios, and other devices that may be necessary where Milton Hydro requires site monitoring and control of your generation project. Applicable costs related to your project are provided as part of our Connection Cost Agreement.

+ Connection Impact Assessment Fees
  Subtotal HST Total
>10kW up to 250kW (Capacity Allocated Feeder) $8,312.90 $1,080.68 $9,393.58
>10kW up to 500kW (Non-Capacity Allocated Feeder) $8,312.90 $1,080.68 $9,393.58
>250kW up to 10MW (All DER projects greater than 250kW) $22,496.72 $2,924.57 $25,421.30
These fees are to be used in Section P “CIA Application Fee Checklist” of the Connection Impact Assessment Application Form.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Applicants should ensure fees are current prior to submitting an application.

Projects greater than 250kW and/ or connecting to a non-capacity allocated feeder require a CIA by the upstream transmitter. Milton Hydro will advise applicants when upstream transmitter CIA’s are required, and will apply to the upstream transmitter for their CIA on behalf of the applicant.

Applicants shall include CIA payment with completed application including site drawings, electrical single line diagrams, protection philosophy, and other information as may be required to fully assess the project.

+ Connection Agreements
All generation connections require a Connection Agreement. As part of the connection process, customers will receive Milton Hydro’s appliable agreement with the Connection Cost Agreement.
Micro-Embedded Connection Agreement (<= 10kW)
Small-to-Mid Sized Generator Connection Agreement (>10kW up to 10MW)

+ Restricted Feeder Information
Currently there are no feeder restrictions for connecting Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Milton Hydro’s distribution territory.

+ Energy Industry Links

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website contains useful information about DER and EV connections, process, and documentation. Milton Hydro recommends you also review information available on OEB’s website.