Milton Hydro offers many convenient methods of payment. To avoid interest charges, please ensure you allow sufficient time for the payment to reach us by the due date. This time may vary depending on how you pay your bill.

Pre-Authorized Debit
When you opt for Pre-Authorized Debit (P.A.D.), payment is automatically deducted from your bank/trust account on the due date of each bill. Your hydro bill will be mailed approximately two weeks before the due date and will provide all billing information. This way, you will know exactly how much will be deducted from your account. Many of our customers have chosen this payment option for its convenience and simplicity. It can also save you money on postage, cheque charges, and late payment charges when on vacation.
If you wish to take advantage of this simple way to pay your bill please call our Customer Service team at (905) 876-4611 to receive a P.A.D. application or download the form here.
Credit Card
Milton Hydro is pleased to add an addtional payment option for customers interested in using their credit card to pay their bill. Through Paymentus Corporation, a third party automated payment services, we accept Visa or Mastercard. Click here for more information or to make a payment.
Telephone/Internet Banking
We have arrangements with local banks and trust companies that allow customers to pay their utility bill over the telephone or Internet. Milton Hydro then receives the payment advice within two (2) business days and payment is applied to your account on the date the advice is received.
Pay at Bank
Milton Hydro has arranged, with most major financial institutions, to accept payment at their local branch offices. You will need the remittance stub of your Milton Hydro bill to pay this way. Please allow extra time for the payment to be received at our office.
Budget Billing
This form of billing is available to residential customers only. The budget amount is calculated based on one year’s prior consumption. The account is then reviewed in the spring and fall. Payment is by Pre-Authorized Debit (P.A.D.). Budget Billing is vailable to Residential and General Service <50 KW customers unless in arrears and not on an arrears payment agreement. It may be cancelled if more than one payment is missed in the equal payment year.
The terms of the Budget Billing program are regulated by the Ontario Energy Board.

Drop Box
Cheques payable to Milton Hydro can be dropped off at the deposit box:
Milton Hydro Office: 200 Chisholm Drive, Milton, ON, L9T 3G9
Payments can be mailed to our office using the enclosed return envelope.
More Information
How often will I receive a hydro bill?
Your first bill could take up to a 60 day period before the bill is received, thereafter hydro billing is done on a monthly basis and the water on a bimonthly basis. Your final bill could also take up to 60 days before the bill is received.
Access to electricity and water meters
When planting flowerbeds and shrubbery around your home, please remember that for safety and accuracy purposes our meter readers and technicians need approximately three feet of clear, flat area directly in front of the meter (inside or outside). If you already have bushes or trees planted in front of the meter, please trim them back or, if possible, remove them altogether. If the meter is located inside your home and our meter reader has been unable to gain access, he will leave a card to let you know we need a reading. Please use this card to assist you in reading your meter, then call us as soon as possible on our 24-hour line at 878-3483 ext. 266.
Water and sewer
Milton Hydro acts as a billing agent for water and sewage/wastewater in Milton on behalf of the Region of Halton. For service other than billing and collecting, please contact the Regional Municipality of Halton at:
Local: (905) 825-6000
Long distance :1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) / TTY: (905) 827-9833
Why is my bill estimated?
Bills are estimated for one of several reasons:
- You have an inside meter and no one is home when the meter-reader calls.
- The meter is covered by trees or bushes, making an accurate reading difficult.
- A gate, animals or driveway conditions prevent access to the meter.
An estimated reading takes into account previous use and adjustments relating to the season. To avoid an estimated bill, and for the accounting of actual electricity pricing, we need your meter readings brought in or telephoned in within 24 hours of a card being dropped off. To telephone in your meter reading, please dial (878) 3483 ext.266 on your touch tone phone. If you do not have a touch-tone phone, call (905) 876-4611 during normal business hours.