Electricity Bill Break Down for an Average Residential

Milton Hydro’s distribution charges component of the bill amounts to 23% (net of the 13.1% OER rebate) for the average residential monthly customer consuming 750 kWh per month. Milton Hydro is responsible for collecting the remaining components of the monthly hydro bill that go to pay for electricity generation, transmission costs, regulatory charges, and the Harmonized Sales Tax.




Where does your Electricity Dollar go?

Milton Hydro bills you all elements of your electricity bill, but your money goes to several different companies, Hydro One/Other Distributors, Other Electricity Transmitters,  independent generators  that make up Ontario’s deregulated electricity market, regulatory charges which are charges mandated by the Regulator,  and Harmonized Sales Taxes. Milton Hydro’s chargeable portion on your bill is contained within the delivery line of your bill.
