Powerlines are VERY dangerous! Always assume a downed powerline is energized.
You could receive a severe shock, burn or even be killed if you touch or even come too close to one. Please watch this video to learn about what to do if you come across a downed powerline 


It is VERY important to be aware of potential shock hazards associated with electrical distribution equipment like hydro poles, powerlines, transformers and transformer stations.
Follow these tips to stay safe:

  • If you see a downed power line, stay back at least 10 meters (33 feet or the length of a school bus) and Call 911 and contact our Customer Service Team at customerservice@miltonhydro.com or call (905) 876-4611      
  • Always obey the safety signs. If a toy ends up inside a transformer station, contact our Customer Service Team at customerservice@miltonhydro.com or call (905) 876-4611 - don't try to retrieve it yourself. Never fly kites in a place where you can see powerlines.
  •  Before you start work, make sure you know where the powerlines are. Always have a signaller - someone who can watch to make sure you stay a safe distance away - and remember, you don't have to touch a powerline for it to hurt you. Electricity can jump or 'arc' from a powerline to a metal object (like a ladder, pole, truck boom).

Vehicle Accidents and Downed Powerlines


If your vehicle makes contact with a downed power line, stay inside the car until help arrives. If your vehicle is on fire and you must get out, jump out with your feet together and hop away. If you cannot hop the 10 metres (33 feet) from the energized area, put your feet together and shuffle - but do not walk or make contact with the ground and your vehicle at the same time.