Some farms have overhead power lines crossing their property. You don't have to touch a power line to be electrocuted. Even coming close can cause the electricity to jump between the wire and material that conducts electricity, such as farm equipment, ladders, tree limbs and even hay, under certain conditions.
See the Electrical Safety Authority's Farm Safety Tips below:

Call Before You Dig

Electrical and other dangerous hazards are lurking everywhere underground. Never assume you know the location or depth of a cable, wire or pipe. Be smart, be safe and contact Ontario One Call to request a FREE underground electrical locate on your property.

Stray Voltage

Varying amounts of low-level voltage often exists between the earth and electrically-grounded farm equipment, such as metal stabling, feeders, or milk pipelines. The voltage that causes this small current is known as "animal contact voltage", "stray voltage" or "tingle voltage". Usually, these voltage levels present no harm, however, at high enough levels, this stray voltage may impact the health and behaviour of livestock.
More information about Stray Voltage can be found on the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) website

If you think you have a stray voltage problem affecting your livestock, or if you have any questions or concerns about the eletrical service on your property, please contact our Customer Service Team at (905) 876-4611 ext. 224.