Know what questions to ask
If you are approached by a retailer, ask for their sales literature. Remember, you don’t have to sign a contract; by doing nothing you will automatically continue to receive Standard Service Supply from Milton Hydro.
These are some questions for you to consider before entering into a contract with an electricity retailer:
- Does the retailer have a licence from the Ontario Energy Board and can they provide proof?
The Ontario Energy Board regulates the energy sector and provides a list of retailers licensed to operate in Ontario. These retailers are obliged to follow a Code of Conduct.
- What is the price of electricity being offered and how does it compare with the price to-date?
- If I am an RPP customer, what is my RPP Settlement?
- Is the price fixed or will it increase (or decrease) in the future?
- How does it compare with my current service provider or other suppliers?
- Are there any fees or charges that I would be required to pay?
- Could I be required to pay charges if I leave before the contract ends?
- When and for how long does the contract take effect?
- Does the contract cover all or part of the electricity I will consume?
- Does the contract change if a smart meter is installed before the term of the contract?