News Post

Conditions of Service Proposed Changes Dec 2024

At Milton Hydro, we’re committed to keeping our Conditions of Service clear, current, and reflective of best practices. To that end, we’re proposing some small updates, and we’d love to hear your thoughts!

What’s Changing?

Here’s a summary of the proposed updates:

  • Embedded Generation (Section 3.5.4): We’ve updated terminology to match our website’s application forms and removed a reference to the HONI Construction Agreement. Generators typically don’t need to sign this agreement, as MHDI is HONI’s customer, not the Generator.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging (Section 2.3.8 and Appendix 5.6): We’ve previously updated details in this section to reflect the latest information on this growing technology, and are asking for your feedback on these updates as well.

How to Review and Share Your Feedback

The updated Conditions of Service document is available for review here: Updated Milton Hydro Conditions of Service. We welcome your input and invite you to share your feedback by Friday, December 27, 2024.

You can send your comments to or drop them off at our mail slot by the employee service door near the large green transformer:

Milton Hydro C/O Engineering Department
200 Chisholm Drive
Milton, Ontario
L9T 3G9

Notice of Collection: Milton Hydro is collecting your comments under the authority of the Electricity Act, Section 29. Your comments will be used for evaluating the proposed revisions to our Conditions of Service. If you have any questions about this collection, the ways in which your personal information may be used by Milton Hydro, or would like further information about Milton Hydro’s privacy policies, please contact: Milton Hydro by telephone at (905) 876-4611, or by e-mail at:

Your feedback is important in helping us ensure our Conditions of Service continue to meet your needs and reflect evolving industry standards.

Thank you for being a valued part of the Milton Hydro community!