News Post

Now Hiring for a New Director for Milton Hydro's Board of Directors

Position Summary:

Milton Hydro is seeking a qualified Director for its Board to support Milton Hydro in delivering its vision. Milton Hydro is operated as an arms-length business from its sole Shareholder, the Town of Milton.

Please note that this is not a full-time position.

Applicant Requirements:

Candidates will only be considered if they are a resident and/or a business owner within the Town of Milton and must be a Canadian citizen. Furthermore, the Director position is only open to applicants that are older than 18 years of age and not currently insolvent or bankrupt.
The candidate must be familiar with Milton Hydro and the Milton community. The applicant will possess a reputation for personal honesty, objectiveness, integrity, common sense, and strong interpersonal skills with a questioning/inquiring mind and be able to make sound independent judgments. Any candidate that is appointed as a Director of the Board, is required to act in the best interest of the Corporation.  

Director Qualifications:

An ideal candidate would have experience in one or more of the areas as outlined below. Please highlight relevant experience within your submission:
  • Significant experience and a proven track record of success in the Energy Sector, with a preference being given to candidates who have been involved with business growth within the unregulated sectors of the energy industry where they can use their background, experience, and connections to accelerate business growth of the unregulated companies within Milton Hydro.
  • The ability to connect Milton Hydro and its affiliates to sources of funding and investment including debt financing, equity investors, venture capital, and other sources of funding to support and enable business investments and growth.
  • Experienced at establishing and developing start-up business(es) through the start-up lifecycle through to mature operations and sustainable business growth. Experience with growing a company through Mergers and Acquisitions would be considered an asset. The preference is for candidates with specific experience in start-up enterprises within the energy sector.  
In addition to the above, the following skills and experience as a Director are desirable:
  • Significant business experience and expertise including holding executive level positions in the corporate sector, preferably with corporations whose annual revenues exceed $10MM.
  • Prior experience on a “for profit” Board with a corporation with a strong understanding of corporate governance duties as it relates to the corporation, shareholder and stakeholders.
  • Experience in risk assessment and management that includes legal, regulatory, business, operational and safety risk management.
  • Ability to think and direct strategically and to support management in developing and executing on a strategic vision.
  • Professional knowledge, certifications, or accreditations in areas of: Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Legal, Human Resources/Employee Relations, or Business Development.
  • Energy sector knowledge including rate-regulated utilities, or electrical power system experience. 
  • An understanding of the unregulated energy markets including renewable energy, sustainability and energy conservation.
The Board’s goal is to increase diversity and inclusive representation on the Board while ensuring the required mix of knowledge, skills, and experience are fulfilled to ensure a continued strong corporate governance model.

Board Meetings & Attendance:

The Board of Directors for Milton Hydro (the Corporation) is responsible for overall corporate governance, strategic direction, risk management, financial performance oversight, and legal and regulatory compliance of the Corporation on behalf of the shareholder, the Town of Milton.
As a Director on the Board, the incumbent would be expected to attend quarterly Board meetings, as well as an annual strategy meeting, and the annual general meeting (AGM) of the shareholder. There may be additional ad-hoc Board or Committee meetings required throughout the year. Meetings are typically held during business hours and range between one and three hours per meeting. Board members are encouraged to attend in-person at Milton Hydro’s offices at 200 Chisholm Drive, Milton whenever possible.


Qualified candidates interested in this position are invited to apply in confidence, by submitting a resume and cover letter, through the Career Center, by the end of business day on Friday, July 5, 2024.
Career Center: Apply Here
Please upload your resume and cover letter in .docx or .pdf format.

Who We Are:

The Milton Hydro group of companies is responsible for the delivery of reliable, safe, and cost-effective electricity to over 43,000 customers throughout the Milton community while meeting the demand for electricity in one of Canada’s fastest growing municipalities. In addition, Milton Hydro is developing new lines of business within the unregulated electricity sector where it can capitalize on the emerging ‘electrification of everything’ market trend as the world continues to switch from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources.
As a trusted name in local energy, Milton Hydro is preparing for the challenge of significant growth and is executing on its vision of “Building a Utility Reimagined to Power a Brighter Future.”  This means that Milton Hydro is transforming and expanding its business, creating new service offerings, enhancing system availability and capacity, ensuring safety and improving the customer experience in new, smart, and innovative ways.