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Ontario Electricity Rebate Q&A

1. Why is my bill going up if the rebate is increasing from 8% to 31.8%?

The Ontario Energy Board, under the direction of the Provincial Government, increased the Time of Use rates to better reflect the true cost of electricity. All three TOU time periods – On-Peak, Mid-Peak and Off-Peak increased by 55%. The 8% Provincial Rebate is being replaced by the 31.8% Ontario Electricity Rebate to offset the increase in the Time-of-Use rates in order to keep the total Residential bill increase to the rate of inflation of approximately 1.8%.

2. What is the 31.8% Ontario Electricity Rebate (“OER”)?

Starting November 1, 2019, the Ontario government is providing a rebate on the total electricity charges before the HST to keep the total Residential bill impact to the rate of inflation of approximately 1.8%.

3. What is included in the 31.8% OER?
The rebate is calculated on the Electricity Charges, Delivery Charges, Regulatory Charges, and the Ontario Electricity Support Payment (if applicable).

4. What is not included in the 31.8% OER?
Not included in the base amount of the bill are the other specific service charges such as Collection, Occupancy Charge, NSF Charge, Late Payment Charges, Cell Modem Charge, Meter Probe Charge and the HST.

5. Who is eligibility for the 31.8% OER?
Any account that meets any of the following conditions:
• All Residential and General Service less than 50 kW;
• Consumer annually uses not more than 250,000 kWh;
 Consumer holds a valid farm business registration number;
• Long-term care home licensed under the Long-Term Care Homes Act,2007.

6. Are there any other accounts eligible?
Only multi-unit complexes that must meet all the following conditions:
• Exceed 50 kW and the annual 250,000 kWh;
• Contain at least two qualifying units;
• At least 50% of the total units must be qualifying units;
• The consumer has filed the required self-declaration by January 31, 2020.


A “unit” is defined as:
• a unit as defined in the Condominium Act. 1998,
• a residential unit or rental unit as defined in 2(1) of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006,
• a member unit or non-member unit as defined in the Co-operative Corporations Act, or
• a leased premise for purposes of the Commercial Tenancies Act. 

A “qualifying unit” is defined as:
• consists of a self-contained from or set of rooms,
• contains kitchen & bathroom facilities for the sole use of the unit, and
• is occupied and used as a residence.

7. What accounts do not qualify or are not eligible for the 31.8% OER?
A multi-unit complex if any part of which is one of the following:
• A hotel, motel or motor hotel, resort, lodge, tourist camp, cottage or cabin establishment, inn, campground, trailer park, tourist home, bed and breakfast vacation establishment or vacation home.
• Living accommodation occupied by a person for penal or correctional purposes.
• A hospital.
• A premises that is subject to the Ministry of Correctional Services Act or the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017.
• Short-term living accommodation provided as emergency shelter.
• Living accommodation provided by an educational institution to its students or staff where, i the living accommodation is provided primarily to persons under the age of majority, or all major questions related to the living accommodation are decided after consultation with a council or association representing the residents, and ii the living accommodation is not intended for year-round occupancy by full-time students or staff and members of their households.
• A university, college of applied arts and technology or other entity that provides postsecondary education.
• A premises that is identified by a NAICS code commencing with the digits 21, 22, 23, 31, 32 or 33. O. Reg. 342/19, s. 2 (1). (“NAICS” means the North American Industry Classification System maintained for Canada by Statistics Canada; the codes starting with the digits above relate to premises that include mining, quarrying, oil and gas extraction, utilities, construction and manufacturing)
• A consumer who, immediately before November 1, 2019, was receiving financial assistance in respect of an account that would, on that day, be an eligible account under paragraph 5 of subsection (1) but for the notice requirements referred to in subparagraph iv of that paragraph, may meet those notice requirements at any time before February 1, 2020. O. Reg. 342/19, s. 2 (1).

8. I have a microFIT or FIT generator, do I qualify for the 31.8% Provincial Rebate on the monthly fixed delivery charge?
No, the 31.8% Provincial Rebate does not apply to the monthly fixed charge on microFIT or FIT generation facilities.

9. I am a net-metering customer, do I receive the 8% Provincial Rebate on my house account before the net-metering credit?
No, the 31.8% Provincial Rebate applies to the “Net” bill after applying the generation credit.