News Post

Temporary Increased Funding to the Low-income Energy Assistance Program – Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA) for 2022

On January 10, 2021, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) implemented temporary changes to the guidelines used by screening agencies for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program – Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA) applications. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these changes will provide more flexibility and support for energy consumers throughout the 2022 calendar year.

Additionally, the OEB has increased the maximum value of LEAP EFA grant amounts to ensure that low-income customers with higher-than-average outstanding payments are given the opportunity to receive the most assistance possible.

The temporary changes to the screening guidelines include:

  • Applicants do not need to be in threat of disconnection or have been disconnected in order to be eligible, but they still need to be in arrears and at or below the income thresholds
  • Eligible customers may apply for and receive LEAP EFA more than once per year, but the total amount received by a household may not exceed the maximum grant amount
  • This year, the maximum value of grant amounts has been increased to $1,000 ($1,200 for customers with electrically-heated homes). This is double the maximum allowed grant under the usual LEAP program rules.
Note: The maximum values available for as assistance for LEAP EFA funding are outlined above, the funding received by customers would be to the extent of the balances in arrears that customers owe on their bills. 
To find out if you qualify, contact Milton Hydro’s agent for LEAP EFA, the Salvation Army at 905-875-1022.
For more information regard the temporary changes to LEAP EFA visit the OEB’s website at

Looking for more support paying your electricity bills?
The Ontario Electricity Support Program, a program that provides ongoing, monthly bill payment support is also available to customer who meet the income threshold requirements. Learn more at: