News Post

Temporary Changes to LEAP EFA Screening Guidelines for 2021

On July 14, 2021, Ontario Energy Board (OEB) implemented temporary changes to the guidelines used by screening agencies for Low-income Energy Assistance Program – Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA) applications. These changes will provide more flexibility and support for energy consumers during these uncertain and challenging times.

The temporary changes to the screening guidelines include:

  • Eligible applicants do not need to be in threat of disconnection or have been disconnected; however, they must still have an outstanding amount owed
  • Applicants may now receive LEAP EFA more than once per year; however, the total amount received by a household for the year, cannot exceed the grant amount of $500 (or $600 for customers with electric heating)

The complete list of screening questions can be found in section 3.2 of the OESP & LEAP Program Manual. Click here to view the manual.