News Post


There are currently three types of Linear LED replacement lamps in the market. These include lamps which operate using the existing fluorescent electronic ballast (UL Type A); lamps that require line voltage to be wired directly to a fluorescent fixtures sockets (UL Type B); and lastly, lamps that require an external dedicated driver to operate (UL Type C).

Milton Hydro is accepting the following Linear LED lamps as eligible measures under the saveONenergyOM RETROFIT Program:

  • UL Type A – Linear LED lamps with integrated/internal drivers, which are compatible and operate with existing fluorescent ballasts
  • UL Type C – Linear LED lamps with remote/external drivers

Milton Hydro will not accept the following:

  • UL Type B – Linear LED lamps with integrated/internal drivers, which operate using direct line voltage by removing or bypassing the existing fluorescent ballast. Hybrid linear LED lamps that have the capability to perform as either a Type A lamp or a Type B lamp are also not considered eligible for incentives.

Additionally, we will require proof of ESA Inspection for LED projects (where changes to the existing wiring including repair and replacement of electrical equipment has taken place) prior to the incentive payment being issued. All LED products must be certified for use in Canada.

The new LED requirements will be effective February 1, 2016. Any Retrofit application containing UL Type B lamps that is submitted after this date, will not be eligible for an incentive.