Safety Tips for Children

  • Never climb utility poles, transmission towers or fences around substations.
  • Never touch electrical outlets with your fingers or with objects.
  • Never play with electrical cords, wires or switches and keep them away from heat and water.
  • If you are in contact with water never touch anything electrical like a light switch or hairdryer.
  • Don’t place cords where people may trip on them and don’t place them under furniture. The cords could fray or kink.
  • Don’t pull on cords to unplug them.
  • Never play around electrical wires or equipment.
  • Stay away from areas marked DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE.
  • If climbing trees, stay away from those near power lines.
  • Never throw objects at wires or utility poles.
  • Keep away from electrical utility boxes (large green boxes). They contain high-voltage equipment that can cause electrocution if tampered with.
  • Stay out of open areas and away from trees during an electrical storm. Go indoors.
  • Stay in the car during a storm because the rubber tires stop electricity from passing through it, if the car is struck by lightning or a fallen cable.
  • Turn off lamps when changing light bulbs.
  • Do not put your fingers in a light bulb socket.
  • Keep combustible materials away from lamps or heating devices.
  • Disconnect appliances before cleaning.
  • Tell someone if you see a frayed electrical cord.
  • Call the fire department in case of an electrical fire. If safe to do so, unplug the appliance and use a fire extinguisher or baking soda to douse the flames. Never use water!
  • Call 911 if you see a person who has been or is being electrocuted – they may be unable to release an electrical wire or appliance – do not attempt to touch them as they may be carrying the flow of electricity.
  • Don’t swim during an electrical storm.
  • Don’t plug in electrical appliances in the bathroom unless specific safety receptacles have been installed.